Going against the popularly expressed opinion here but say what!
Last Thursday i.e. November 12,
2015 I went into surgery at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex (also
called Mt. Hope Hospital) for a Laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery, the
surgery done to remove a gallbladder through four small incisions in the abdomen.

My prior experiences with Mt. Hope Hospital when my wife and children
had had cause to visit there had not been too favorable and I was obviously highly skeptical of the treatment I would receive as I waited for the inevitable
snobbish and caustic treatment I had seen meted out to them and other patients
by Security and in at least one case, a medical staff.
Imagine my surprise and pleasure to find that their experience
was not mine as both the month prior to my
operation and the subsequent stay at Surgical Ward I, Doctors Seenath, Richards and
Fung as well as the nurses and ancillary staff treated me with a courtesy and
deference befitting a well-paying customer of an Institution, which obviously I
was not, in that they were decent, professional and caring.
It is now eight days since my operation and save for a slight tingling at the site of one of the incisions I seem to be doing okay. Of course my wife Jean is continuously mothering me.
P.S. Today December 1st I was given a clean bill of health by Dr. Seenath based on the results of a number of tests done at Mt. Hope and at the St. Augustine Diagnostic Laboratory to test for cancerous cells in the extracted Gall Bladder. I am no spring chicken so I Thank God for mercies granted and sincerest thanks to those at Mt. Hope whom God used to ensure my return to fitness.
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