Friday, December 28, 2012


Interestingly there have been quite a bit of  reports of  persons who at one time professed to be Atheists or Agnostics who have been hard pressed to explain their change of heart when one day they claim to have had an experience which they could only describe as Spiritual. I'm sure we will hear more on that at some other point in time.

Perhaps this was the reason for Alcoholics Anonymous leaving membership open to all regardless of beliefs or lack thereof.  God in this sense would therefore be a Higher Power and not the God of different Religious denominations.

As I continue our conversation about recovery from Addiction  let me offer this suggestion. It would be wise to recognize the wisdom of letting go of your will power and letting the God of your understanding work the miracle in your life especially if you believe that you have been failing at almost everything you tried. Sometimes this can become very frustrating especially when we were sure that this time we had it right.

Christians have the option of such positive sayings as “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me.” These words can give  comfort and help to build self confidence, knowing that nothing is impossible if only we believe and if we seek God’s direction before we attempt that next goal. There are several other comforting words in the Holy Bible and it would be a great help to you to study the Bible in search of them.

Be wary of treating God as a matter of convenience or of blindly accepting the beliefs of Church members who are themselves searching for the truth. Though this may sound to be sacrilegious, it has been my experience that Satan walks even in the footsteps of the Lord’s anointed.

So when Christians are presented with “facts” by Church members take some time out and test those facts through study of the scriptures and not as it is being presented to you.

Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and we should strive to reflect this in our lives, while asking the Holy Spirit to guide us to a true understanding of God’s Word.

Having said that, let us however not ignore the very real benefits of fellow-shipping with other believers and remember, words coming out of your mouths can say a lot to others about who you are.

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