Saturday, December 1, 2012


So you know all there is to know about addiction. Let's see!

Revision Exercise
Chapter one

1.   Name some of the symptoms of an Addictive Personality Disorder.

2.   What are some of the effects of Alcohol and/or other drug use and abuse?

3.   Name one common belief among persons in recovery.

4.   Is there any positive side to an individual with an Addictive Personality Disorder? If yes, name at least two.

5.   Why do some persons use Alcohol and/or other drugs?

6.   Do you personally believe that recovery is possible for someone with an Addictive Personality Disorder? If so, Why?

Revision Exercise


1.   From the question who can benefit,  are there two or more reasons that you can perhaps identify as being referring to you?

2.   Do you personally know anyone who has recovered from an Addictive Personality Disorder?  If yes, name the positive changes you have seen in that someone.

3.   Name one sure way that others will believe that change can take place?

4.   What are the qualities you would expect from a person who has recovered from an Addictive Personality Disorder?

5.   Have there been times when you did not live up to your promise to a close relative or friend? How did you feel afterwards?

6.   Is there one specific need you can identify from the list of needs central to your development?

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