Monday, December 3, 2012


In 2007 I undertook a survey within the then Ministry of Agriculture Land and Marine Resources where I interviewed 442 workers prior to having an EAP Specialist from HELP Consultants Mr.J.David Ramkeesoon have an interactive session with them.

Among those interviewed were Trade Union Representatives, Charge hands, Checkers, Store hands, Electricians, Mechanics, Masons, Carpenters, Laborers, Drivers/Operators, Servicemen, and Loaders.

The responses were categorized as follows:
1. Personal and Family issues
2. Economic issues
3. Organizational issues

Today I will share with you three areas of concerns about which these employees felt very strongly.


 It was felt that career advancement was limited because of the restrictions within the Collective Agreement as agreed upon by the Chief Personnel Officer and the Union Negotiating Team.

 The criteria for promotion were not fairly measured by Management in terms of Seniority/Ability and Performance/Experience.

 The transfer from Daily-rated status to Monthly-paid had ceased irrespective of further qualifications workers may have achieved.


 Differences in family class structure among students within the Public School system created a sense of insecurity and low self esteem for students from lower income families.

 These students do not have access to the funding and by extension the support systems available to others.

 It was believed that this may have been the cause of school absenteeism, drop-outs, drug trafficking, and various criminal activities.


 This is thought to be an area of great dissatisfaction which most felt ought to be revised and improved.

 Much of what may be available and/or beneficial to workers is not properly communicated either via Internal Memos or through direct communication.

To be continued

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