Sunday, February 3, 2013


Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

For more than seventeen years between 1991- 2008 I conducted at least three weekly workshops throughout Trinidad and Tobago with "troubled employees" using the twelve step format which many understood as they had at some point in time been exposed to A.A. or N.A. but had relapsed and did not wish to return.

These workers felt comfortable with my attempt to explain this step in my own words as apparently several of them had erroneously got the impression that they were being asked to follow a Christian God which did not go down too well with several of them.

To me this step is really the beginning of a new way of life, a life which depends upon the direction of the God we trust, where we finally acknowledge that our problems were caused by our own selfishness and self-centeredness and we end our prayers with“Not my will dear Lord but thine, be done.” In doing so you will reduce the stress in your life, be more at peace with yourself and with others, and will add years to your life. 

For those whose beliefs leaned towards non-belief such as Agnostics and Atheists they were comfortable with the recommended term "Higher Power" or "Power greater than themselves" which are actually terms used by A.A. 

It is this step which will help us to begin our day with relief as we agree to give God back control of our lives thus finding peace in our minds and hearts.

In this step we learn to seek direction from the Word of God and the guidance of His Holy Spirit when called upon to make decisions that affect ourselves and others. When you make this decision however try to avoid the common mistakes many persons make whose concept of God is that of their personal Genie.

Trust fully in Him and let His will be done. All Scriptures tell us that man’s wisdom is foolishness in God’s sight. We also read that there is a way that seems right unto man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death. It is better to do the right thing rather than the popular thing.

I have personally found these steps to be invaluable as there was a time when because of my own addictive personality I was actively involved in no less than seven organizations and was in danger of having a nervous breakdown. Use of the twelve steps helped me to moderate myself and in fact was responsible for many a change in how I viewed life itself. Although I still have the tendency to overdo, through prayer and meditation and reminding myself every day of my resolve I am able to prevent myself from going overboard.

Although now in my golden years I still love working, but I have learned to take time out for rest and relaxation. My family relationship has never been better and though I have fewer friends, those I do have I value their friendship.

Question: What are some of the areas in your life you think can do  with some direction?

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