Monday, March 11, 2013

Were entirely ready to have God remove these defects of character


We are told that discipline builds character, and yet many of us are often accused of being indisciplined. We even upbraid ourselves for our failure to follow through on what we have planned.

This is especially frustrating when what we had planned was within our grasp and we literally threw it away because we were powerless over our addictive behavioral pattern and could not help ourselves.

It is this indiscipline that prevents us as children from developing good study habits, and failing important examinations or  being dishonest, cruel and self-indulgent.

It is this indiscipline that makes us unable to stick to a planned budget, to overreact, to feel ashamed of our actions soon after or even the next day.

It is this indiscipline that made some of us lose a good job opportunity because we could not awake in time due to a good  night out that gave us such a hangover that we  needed more than one night’s sleep to recover!

One way of practicing to be disciplined and build character is to set goals and by asking God in prayer to help us stick to these goals. But not many of us ever want to give up that feeling of independence and personal strength and depend on some mythical figure called God whom we cannot see or feel.

If ever we do come to that place where we can blindly trust in a power greater than ourselves however we find that it becomes much easier to become entirely ready to have God remove our defects of character.

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