Sunday, April 14, 2013


A lot of positive things has been said about Sister Ellen G. White, the Seventh Day Adventist Author whose writings have inspired millions across the Globe whether they believed in the faith or not. Her inspiration has been a boon for me and my family as through her writings I ordered my life in a particular way that today even without them being consciously aware of it my family have been the beneficiary of her words of wisdom; and although I’m a member of the faith only for a short time, a mere two decades, I have followed her writings for several more.

Through her inspiration and the love of a virtuous woman, those who claim to know me will not perhaps be surprised to know that I’ve neither been bribed nor expected to be bribed, have never demanded favors in return for favors, have never been imprisoned nor have charges recorded against me. I’ve paid for almost everything material I own in cash, which I saved over long periods of time, have always been up to date with payments whether it is for house, telephone, electricity, and I owe absolutely no one not even the bank.  Yes, even the vehicle I own was paid for in cash.

Now why should I want you to know this about me?  Is it to boast, is to get something from someone? Not even close. 

In the more than thirty odd years I counseled others, one thing has stood out among all other personal problems that have affected relationships, and that is poor financial management.  Instant gratification is the name of the game so knowing that mankind would borrow above their means to own a piece of heaven now, is the advertisers dream.

Sex sells, so a half naked woman draped across the hood of a car sells not a car, but a brand of whisky, and the cool and the swanky cannot be cool or swanky without that cigarette dangling from well manicured fingertips. What one doesn’t see is the fatal vehicular accidents or the addiction that destroys the family. Getting your easy mortgage loan from your favorite Mortgage Company fails to show the thirty or more years of struggle for your family and the loss of that dream home when you realize that the sums you have been paying all these years have been mostly for Interest and not Capital.

But what then is the answer. Why not try earning more money to take care of your needs instead of borrowing to meet these needs?  In my youth I held on to my job in the Public Service while at the same time being an encyclopedia salesman, a real estate broker, marketing and installing Door bells, door viewers, house numbers, and water heaters, manufacturing  penna-cools, Tamarind balls,  and paw paw balls.  I even had a couple of cars out for hire.

Much of what we purchased was not from my income from the Ministry but from these extra jobs I did. Leaving off the liquor and the tobacco can not only keep money in your wallet but add years to your life and saving towards a goal while preparing yourself for a career by study will ensure your self esteem. 

Mind you, I’m not advising anyone what they should do; I’m simply explaining what I did and I thank God for directing me to the writings of Sister Ellen G. White. P.S. The money I earned is all gone now so please do not ask for any. Lol.

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