Thursday, April 11, 2013


13. Is it easy to determine who is a potential risk?

No. Many persons become quite skillful at manipulating people around them using a variety of defense mechanism to cover their personal inadequacies.


14. What are defense mechanisms?

Defense mechanisms are supposed to be our  minds’ unconscious desire to protect us from perceived threats to our  comfort zones, making us react instinctively in ways that upon reflection would not have been too complimentary to us .

These reactions may include lies, violence to others, projecting feelings  we are uncomfortable with unto someone else, pretending  to know when we do not.

15. What are the benefits to the organization through the implementation of an intervention programme?

The most important benefit of implementing an intervention programme is a reduction in  stress related illnesses and operating costs with a corresponding increase in profit margins.

16. How can this be achieved?

When potential risk factors are addressed there is usually a substantial reduction in  absenteeism, thefts, accidents, and employee dissatisfaction with an increase in productivity and individual participation.

N.B.: Many years ago I rented an office from where I sold music (vinyl) records, books, burglar alarms etc and Amway products. The "friend" I employed to assist me was an active alcoholic, something which I knew but given the fact that I had known him since my college days, I seriously thought we could make it work, only to be rudely jolted when the insanity of his addiction began to affect our sales figures and profits. When one day he broke into the office and carted away thousands of dollars worth of products I knew it was time to call us quits.
Fortunately for me, the strain on my wife and myself was not enough to cause a rift between us, but truth be told, she did warn me on several occasions about my "friend".

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