Monday, June 10, 2013

I've not written on my blog since April 2013 but not because I had nothing to say. As a matter of fact I've been saying quite a bit about politics but on another forum.

What is different today however is the nationwide expressions of sorrow at the death of four young people on our nations roads after leaving a party where they obviously enjoyed themselves with no inkling that it would be the last time their loved ones would see them alive.

I'm not so much of a hypocrite to pretend that these young people were engaged in any other activity than simply enjoying themselves in the way that normal hot-blooded young people do and in a way that most of us have at some time or other, and were it not for the grace of God we too may have been added to the nation's statistics.

I wish though to add my voice to the many who having come to understand the very real danger of young people's involvement with alcohol and other drugs would seek to make this information widely available to anyone who would wish to read our blogs in the hope that at least one more young person would live out their natural life the way it was meant to be.

Many studies have been done on the Effects of Alcohol and other drugs and I take this opportunity to refer readers to one such study undertaken on behalf of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

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