Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I haven't written on my blog for quite some time, but today I feel moved to air a long standing grievance of mine. And for the record it's non partisan. So here goes.

It may not be as widespread as it appears but quite frankly I'm fed-up of the number of racist and/or disrespectful posts that appear on Facebook and other social media.

Trinidad and Tobago for many years  enjoyed Tourism status as the Rainbow Country, Calypso Land, The Land of Calypso and Limbo, the Happiest place on Earth(Debatable). We have been noted for Scientists, Mathematicians, Literature and scholars par excellence. 

With the advent of social media and smart phones however it seems we have descended into crassness, discourtesy, insults to our Elders and Leaders in society.

Bloggers with a minimal knowledge of the use of internet and with
just a basic educational background, without truly understanding the inherent dangers in their postings  I presume, feel compelled to post whatever drivel comes to mind not knowing that these posts
will become an indelible part of their resume.

Then too we have the critics, the ones who profess to have the answer to every ill in society and who believe themselves to be society's watchmen. Their real role is to condemn  those whom they envy as they look longingly towards the day when they would be able to replace them in an office for which they themselves are ill prepared.

Of even greater concern is the ease with which while on the hustings we publicly revile our leaders in society while not sparing a thought for their family members and other gentler souls who look on in dismay as we go from one extreme to the next. But then again, it is said that a society gets the leaders it deserves. I cry for my beloved Trinidad and Tobago.

But all is not lost, as we do have among us those who do not blindly follow the pied piper and whose integrity cannot be bought. Come quickly Lord.

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