Sunday, October 4, 2015

Killing the goose

With every new change in the political landscape there are those who believe their time has come to wield the big stick notwithstanding the fact that their actions are not in the best interest of the ruling party.

It is what caused the demise of the UNC with its "We time now", and the turning away from the Patrick Manning administration,  or the short lived NAR government.

There are always genuine reasons for taking hard decisions if those decisions are within the Party's manifesto, but how many of the politically non- aligned individuals who might make unpopular decisions really care about manifestos .

Ministers of Government must be aware of decisions taken on their behalf that are in keeping with the goals of the ruling party and not assume that every head of department is in their corner. It may very well be another case of "we time now".

Let's not kill the goose for its golden egg.

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