Saturday, August 2, 2014


I painfully followed the many expressions of support by his many supporters during Anil Roberts political mishaps and couldn't help but get the feeling that these Bloggers were setting him up for a fall, knowing fully well that the attitude he was portraying of a buffoon would not go down well with both colleagues and the wider public.

His many run-ins with Anthony Harford and the various sporting bodies have been well documented and quite frankly many of us looked on with amazement at his arrogant and often offensive and downright disrespectful attitude when he made public his opinion on these well respected icons of the sporting world.

It is therefore no surprise to me that he met his comeuppance at the feet of the Lifesports programme, a supposedly fantastic model of social assistance for the underprivileged and at-risk youth in society, notwithstanding that his choice of  those meant to co-ordinate and teach this target group morals and values was drawn from the alleged criminal underworld with a track record known to all.

The less said about Room 201 , the better, as delving into that sordid affair will draw several of his colleagues into this discussion, and that is not my goal at this time, although for the life of me I cannot understand why the esteemed Prime Minister allowed herself to be caught up in the smokes and mirrors, and not act immediately to remove this cancer from her Cabinet.

Lest it be assumed that I have an axe to grind with the goodly gentleman, I wish to make it clear that my objection to his overstayed presence in the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago is not a personal one, but simply an objective perspective seeing that Ministers of Government, Religious Leaders, Educators et al are supposed to be held to a higher standard of accountability than the rest of us.

The story of the Lifesport debacle is far from being over but I doubt it will be completed during this current Parliamentary term. A pity though that Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar S.C. has had to deal with this comedy of errors in her first term of Office as a woman Prime Minister.  I fear that History may not be very kind!

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