Thursday, December 19, 2013


If one were to read the comments coming on the heels of the rape and murder of Keyana Cumberbatch one could be forgiven for believing that Satan is roaming the earth in 2013 and causing havoc within families. But are the violent attacks on children inclusive of rapes and murder something new? I beg to differ.

How many of you remember with anger the killing of the four year old boy many years ago by his stepfather in Valencia because he had wet his bed during the night, and how many of you recall  the five year old child about thirty years ago who had climbed over a neighbor's fence in Belmont as little children are wont to do to steal a fruit. When the neighbor caught him at the "crime" scene he attempted to climb back over and was dealt a severe chop on his foot by the owner, herself a mother of children.

As a former community activist and social worker  I was privy for many years to reports of physical violence , sexual molestation and incest being perpetuated on children time and again, so much so that it seemed that this problem was occurring in almost every home. Reports at the time suggested that one out of every five homes was experiencing this problem with many parents afraid to report the matter for fear of being left without a bread winner in the home, with  one stepfather raping his four step-daughters in Wallerfield. I see this has taken place in Central very recently.

I've read of several children committing suicide as the only means of escaping the horrendous attacks on their person and after one such report I felt ashamed to be a man as the child happened to be a friend of one of my daughters who  reported the suicide to us. Fearing for my children's peace of mind I called them together to re-assure them that they will never have to fear that from me.

Perhaps what is different now is that victims are more willing to report the attacks as more women are employed and less dependent on an abusive spouse, discussions on sex is no longer taboo, and victims  are more likely to make use of the social support systems in place. 

Let us however not ignore that many of these incidents are triggered by not just anger management problems or as we say "ignorance", but in many cases by  alcohol and other drug abuse. It would help if more parents teach their children the moral and spiritual values once recommended by our former Prime Minister and President the Honorable Arthur Napoleon Raymond Robinson. But how can the blind be expected to lead the blind?

Do have a blessed day.

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