Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Drowning in a sea of ineptitude

Everything that's bad in the sea is the fault of the shark and every evil that man commits is Satan's fault. So blaming the PNM is par for the course whenever we need to look for a scapegoat.

This morning I dropped off my wife at the EBC office in Arima to collect her ID card, an exercise that should take no more than 15 minutes unless of course there was a crowd. There was none at 9.20am.

Imagine my surprise when after almost two hours had passed  her form was still on the counter with a heap of others none of which was being attended to.

Amidst all the grumbling from those seated in the waiting room  were the obvious comments about the failure of the PNM government to get a simple task right. PNM ? What about the young lady given the task whose only care seemed to be seeing how many times she could walk back and forth acting as if there was not a coherent thought in her head.

If you don't want to work why apply for a job? And when you are retrenched why complain?

Shame on the young lady but more shame on the Supervisor if you were present and did nothing.

P.S. By 11.45 a.m. my wife was so drained she left without the desired ID card.

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