Monday, December 31, 2012


 Since beginning this Blog I've sought to bring information that I've shared with Supervisors and Employees of state-owned and commercial enterprises for over thirty years.

Each Holiday period brings with it a fair share of joy and happiness, but it also beings its fair share of sorrow as well.

This weekend has been no different as in my own Island of Trinidad and Tobago three persons have been killed in motor vehicular accidents and just this morning I read of one young man, a co-worker of my son,  being found dead after being involved in physical exercises. Later autopsy report however has confirmed that he was murdered.,171467.html


We're back in the news again with a major boo boo re young man who was initially found dead. First it was Asthma, then it was murder, then again it is Asthma. Wow.

I urge you my dear friends to take care on the roadways as even though you may not be  drinker there are lots of them out there and with the new year revelries taking place even now and later on we can expect much more madness on the roads. The picture below was taken on Christmas Day.

If you have a history of high blood pressure or diabetes now is not the time to pig out so please avoid too much of anything. The secret is temperance.

Do have a great time but I hope to communicate with you in the New Year.

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