Saturday, February 9, 2013


Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Knowing that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God is no reason for us to revel in sin, as we know all too well that the wages of sin is death.

Although it has now become popular among certain groups to identify with wrongdoings and even to deny the existence of God or of a Heaven and Earth, our own hell makes us hope and perhaps fear that a God does in fact exist.

It is only when we can identify and admit our indiscretions that we can truly admit to God, to ourselves, and to another human being what those wrongs were.

Talking it out is always better than keeping it in, and if this can be done in a non- threatening environment we are sure to benefit. What better place therefore to do this than within a group where members fearlessly share their own indiscretions?

In the absence of such a group, you may even decide to form your own study group at home.

If you do decide to form your own group you may wish to speak to your Counsellor or one of the rehabilitation centers for a referral of someone from your community who had previously sought help for a problem similar to yours. 

Arranging for a meeting place may pose a problem as meeting at regular intervals is necessary and many persons fear the presence of those whom they know to have been actively involved in drug use.

It is necessary therefore to ask that visitors bring no drugs or paraphernalia on their persons. A sign to that effect may also assist.

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