Tuesday, April 9, 2013


9. Is not this approach very difficult?

It is not an easy task to change attitudes and chronic behavior patterns. The entire workforce must be involved. One way of doing this is to establish a  Workplace Intervention Programme (WIP) known in some circles as an Employees Assistance Programme as an integral part of  a personnel support system.

Another way is to curtail the use of alcohol during  special  award and other functions such as graduations etc. at school or  office. 

10. What  would be the purpose of such a WIP ?

Such a programme would provide what I like to term a risk reduction advisory  and support service that would assist in identifying and responding timely and effectively to potential problems within the organization.

11. Does not the  Human Resource Officer do the same?

Human Resource Officers usually perform functions directly related to the Organization and the effective management of its Human Resource Capital.

A Workplace Intervention Programme(WIP) would  focus on the health and wellness of  employees within the organization , acting as a catalyst for behavior modification.

12.  Whom do you consider  as a potential risk to the organization?

One whose inadequate handling of personal problems leads to poor work performance and related problems. Among these individual concerns may be family, legal, drug abuse, physical, mental  or psychological problems as well.

To be contiinued.

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