Monday, April 8, 2013


5. Should Management also be concerned about alcohol use?
They should ! Alcohol is the number one drug of misuse among  teens and young adults  resulting in more absenteeism, more accidents and medical problems than any other drug.

6. Is alcohol  a drug?

 The reality  is that a drug is any chemical or substance that has an effect on the body or mind. I am sure you will agree that alcohol has an effect on both.

7. But the sale of alcohol is legal. How can Management legislate against its use?


Reflect on the work performance of those persons in your organization with a history of alcohol abuse and tell me if their work performance is satisfactory. On that basis alone Management has the authority to issue specific guidelines with respect to alcohol use. 

They  could also try the prevention and intervention approach.

8.  What is the prevention and intervention approach?

 Those who have not yet begun must be encouraged not to start. Those who have begun  must be encouraged not to continue.

To be continued.

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