Sunday, April 7, 2013


As everyone else I am concerned about the high levels of crime and vehicular accidents that continue to plague our beloved nation. Now that I am retired I wish to share with you some of the information I shared with my clients of many years. Hopefully this may help at least one person.

Qu.1. of 49

I understand that many businesses fail as a result of drug use among employees. How can this be avoided?

Organizations need to establish a policy on drug use within the Organization. Among other things possession of illegal drugs for personal consumption or trafficking carry severe legal penalties

2. What if the drug use policy is ignored?

That is why the Organization's policy must be presented to each individual upon his/her entry into the Organization.

Management may also wish to include a clause on random drug testing with specific penalties for violation of these policies. N.B. Many accidental deaths and employee conflicts are as a result of intoxication and drug use.

Many years ago two drivers got involved in a fight which gravitated from the yard into the Office where I worked as a Road Overseer at the time. I had just been about to open the door when one fell right into my path and I had to move quickly before I too fell. Unfortunately for him I stepped on his ankle which broke immediately. They were both suspended but the one whose ankle was broken never returned to work as he probably had a medical problem which prevented healing of said ankle.

This was a Monday morning, and they both smelled strongly of alcohol. I'm now wondering if they had been drinking together and fell out over a drink, maybe? Incidentally the other one went on vacation a few years later and while driving a tractor it overturned, pinning him to the ground and killing him on the spot.

3. Is not an individual’s drug use his/her personal business?

Since drug use indiscriminate or not, affects almost everyone in our society, it has become everyone’s business. Besides management have the responsibility and the authority to insist upon certain standards within the organization.

Qu.4.  How can one tell if an individual is drug free?

There are several laboratories which will be willing to do drug testing at the request of any organization.You should make use of this facility.

To be continued.

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