Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Refer that Drug Abusing worker now!

Have you ever been concerned about the impact that an alcohol or drug abusing co-worker may have on the workforce? Think a while on these instances.

Sam got his ankle broken one morning when he and a co-worker fought on the work-site, while another worker was charged $4000.00 for assault and battery when he beat a co-worker.Another worker was shot when a gunman went on the work site to punish a co-worker who had sold the pusher-man's drugs and kept the money. He escaped  but the co-worker did not.

Nadan was arrested the night before in a state of acute intoxication so that when he found himself in the cell the next morning he was totally unaware of what had transpired. He called out to a nearby Police Officer and asked that he be given a telephone call to have his wife come and bail him out of whatever trouble he had gotten himself in the night before. Imagine his consternation when the police officer told him that he had no wife to call as he had killed her the night before.         

Francis had lost his job because of chronic absenteeism. One night he packed a bag with clothing, a tube of toothpaste, a toothbrush and a wash rag and went into the village where he threw a stone and broke a store front glass and waited for the police. He was very annoyed when the magistrate gave him only six weeks simple imprisonment but grateful that he would spend Christmas where he would get three square meal a day.

Bill walked into the police station with a bloody cutlass and told the sentry on duty that he had just killed a goat and three kids. When the police accompanied him to the site of the killings, they found that the goat and kids of which he spoke were his wife and their three children.
Tony was arrested for the rape of his eleven year old daughter. In his drunken state he had no idea who she was or how he came to commit such a dastardly act.

Troy got a job as a Maxi Taxi Driver and fell in love with his Conductress who had asked him for the job when she and her live-in boyfriend broke up. Several months later he found out that both of them had the AIDS virus.

Robert was arrested when he went to a cocaine den for the very first time to purchase cocaine. He was re-instated after serving his sentence.

Not every life changing incident has its origin in the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and very few individuals who find themselves involved with the law or hospitalized because of any of a variety of incidents had expected that when they began to experiment with drugs the end result would have been the destruction of the life to which they had become accustomed. The message here is that you ought not to ignore the very real danger of drug abuse. If you know of a drug abusing co-worker refer that worker to your EAP Administrator now!

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